The situation with plants, unfortunately, is not good. Echinodorus and Cryptocorynes are still holding, but the other two species are struggling for their lives. Entire parts of plants are falling, because their stems obviously became very weak by the time I kept them in quarantine (after I took out the soil and preparing the new setup). Although it is not recommended to add nutrition products in the very beginning when the plants are still adapting to the new environment and very little growth is acctually hapening, I decided to help them with small doses of liquid and solid fertilizers.
Although the selection of brands and products in my local market is not bad, the price of some products are not very cheap when we take into account the amount and frequency of re-aplication. I haven't found smaller 250/500 ml packagings of EasyLife ProFito (liquid fertilizer), so I opted between Sera and Tetra brands. I got Tetra Crypto (tablets for plant roots) and PlantaMin (liquid fertilizer).
For now, I will not apply the dose recommended by the manufacturer, instead I will start with a lower dose (5 tablets halved and placed under the area of plant roots and 10 ml PlantaMin for the entire volume). I expect results...
Situacija sa biljkama, na žalost, nije dobra. Echinodorus-i i Cryptocoryn-i se još uvek drže, ali se druge dve vrste bore za život. Čitavi delovi biljaka opadaju, jer im je stablo očigledno toliko oslabilo za vreme dok sam ih držao u karantinu (nakon što sam izvadio zemlju i pripremao novu postavku). Iako se ne savetuje prehrana preparatima u samom početku kada se biljke još uvek prilagođavaju novoj sredini, odlučio sam im ipak pomognem sa malim dozama tečnih i čvrstih prehrambenih proizvoda.
Iako izbor na našem tržištu nije loš, cena preparata nije baš povoljna kada se uzme u obzir preporuka proizvođača za količinu i učestalost kojom ih treba dodavati. Nisam uspeo da pronađem prikladno pakovanje EasyLife ProFito preparata (tečni fertilizer), pa sam nakon dvoumljenja između Sera i Tetra kompleta, prevagnuo ka ovom poslednjem.
Uzeo sam Tetra Crypto (tablete za prehranu korena bilja) i PlantaMin (tečni fertilizer). Za sada neću primenjivati dozu koju preporučuje proizvođač, već ću krenuti sa manjom dozom (5 tableta prepolovljene i postavljene u pojasu zasađenog bilja i 10 ml PlantaMin preparata na celu zapreminu. Očekujem rezultate...

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