In the early morning hours the situation was like this: the soil was obviously releasing nutrients and other organic matter, humic acids and iron (and hence the reddish color that dominates - particularly from red peat). According to the literature, this is normal for now, the situation should stabilize in few weeks, with regular water changes.
During the evening, the situation was unchanged, except from the fact that small soil particles were settled down.
I decided to conduct the first water test with JBL strips (the previous day I added about 20 ml AquaTan-and before I went to sleep). The test must be read after 60 seconds after sinking the test-strip for a period of 1 second (photo was taken several minutes after the test, therefore, it is not quite relevant). The results for NO2 and NO3 were practically zero, GH is a high (I know that water in my country is hard, but did not expected this much!), while the KH was at upper limit. PH is approximately in the middle (7.0-7.5), which is fine.
In the upcoming days I'll look for some plants, and driftwood that will represent a central element of my aquarium.
U prvim jutarnjim časovima situacija je bila ovakva:

Iz zemlje je očigledno krenulo otpuštanje hranljivih materija, humusnih kiselina i gvožđa (otud i crvenkasta boja koja dominira - posebno sumnjam na crveni treset iz Amazone ;). Prema literaturi, ovo je normalna pojava za sada, a stanje bi trebalo da se stabilizuje narednih dana (nedelja) uz redovniju izmenu vode. Tokom večeri, situacija je ostala nepromenjena, osim što su se čestice zemlje sada slegle (ili prečistile preko filtera). Osim boje, voda deluje bistro.
Odlučio sam da sprovedem prvi test (prethodnog dana sam dodao oko 20 ml AquaTan-a pre nego što sam otišao na spavanje). Test se mora očitati posle 60 sekundi nakon potapanja test-trake u trajanju od 1 sekunde (fotografija je uzeta nekoliko minuta nakon testa, nije stoga sasvim merodavna). Rezultati za NO2 i NO3 su praktično na nuli, GH je zabrinjavajuće visok (znam da je naša voda tvrda, ali nisam očekivao baš ovoliko), dok je KH na samoj granici. pH je odprilike na sredini (7.0), što je u redu.

Narednih dana me očekuje odabir biljaka, kao i panja koji će predstavljati centralni element akvarijuma.
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