For the past few days I slowly purchased the rest of the equipment and decorations for my first setting. After driftwood, I've got few rocks and I took additional 7 kg of quartz pebbles that will replace the previously removed soil and sand.
I also took heater JBL ProTemp S150 (150W), another fluo lamp Sylvania AquaStar (10000 K), 10m PVC hose and Atman AT-303 submersible pump that will help me to more easily facilitate exchange of water. Sylvania AquaStar really shines bright and white-coloured light in contrast to Gro-Lux version which is slightly dimmer and red in colour. I plan to add another 18W AquaStar or Gro-Lux lamp to get to around 0.5W/liter ratio.
Also arrived a few new plants whose names, unfortunately, I did not remembered, but I will try to identify them in upcomming days. Since I obtained the chemical preparation EasyLife NITRO (I also plan to get EasyLife POSPHO and EasyLife ProFito). Although manufacturer SeaChem is far better in my opinion, this products are simply unavailable on my market, and even in West Europe they are difficult to obtain.
For start, I took JBL Novo GranoMix food for fish, and DajanaPET BioFilter tablets for initial start-up cycling in the tank, which are placed directly into the Atman FL-102 filter.
Of course, this is not the look of the final setup, plants are still adapting to a new environment (therefore they should not be immediately nourished with micro and macro elements). Driftwood is now being soaking with water (for this reason a decorative stone is temporarily placed above). Depending on how plants thrive, I'll determine the day when to add first fish resident (the popular "cleaner" pleco presumably). This gradual sequence is extremely important, because it is not desirable to burden the system with large number of fish at the start. Beginners very often make mistakes because of their impatience or ignorance. If the cleaner is fine, soon there will be some room for others.
Prethodnih nekoliko dana postepeno sam nabavljao i ostatak opreme i dekoracije za prvu postavku. Nakon panja, na red je došlo i kamenje, a uzeo sam još i dodatnih 7 kg kvarcnog šljunka koji će nadomestiti prethodno izvađenu zemlju i pesak.
Uzeo sam JBL ProTemp s150 (150W) grejač, još jednu neonku Sylvania AquaStar (10000 Kelvina) sa novim postoljem, zatim 10m PVC creva i Atman AT-303 potapajuću pumpu koja će mi olakšati zamenu vode. Sylvania AquaStar zaista sija prodornim belim svetlom za razliku od Gro-Lux neonke koja sija crvenkasto i nešto prigušenije. Kasnije planiram da dodam još jednu neonku od 18W i doteram osvetljenje na oko 0.5 W/litri.
Stiglo je i par novih biljaka čije nazive, na žalost, nisam upamtio, ali ću pokušati da ih identifikujem narednih dana.
Od hemijskih preparata nabavio sam EasyLife NITRO (a planiram da uzmem i EasyLife POSPHO, kao i EasyLife ProFito). Iako su preparati proizvođača SeaChem znatno bolji, njih jednostavno nema na našem tržištu, a i u zapadnoj evropi se teže nabavljaju. Za početak, uzeo sam JBL Novo GranoMix hranu za ribe, a za početno startovanje ciklusa u akvarijumu DajanaPET BioFilter tablete koje se postavljaju u sam filter.
Naravno, ovo nije izgled finalnog setup-a, biljke se još uvek prilagođavaju (stoga ih ne treba odmah zatrpavati mikro i makro elemntima). Panj se za sada natapa vodom (iz tog razloga je jedan dekorativni kamen privremeno postavljen na isti). U zavisnosti od toga kako biljke napreduju, odrediću i dan kada ću u akvarijum uneti prvu ribicu (popularnog "čistača" po svoj prilici). Ovaj postepeni redosled je izuzetno bitan, jer nije poželjno opteretiti sistem velikom količinom riba u samom startu. Početnici upravo u ovome često greše zbog nestrpljenja ili neznanja. Ukoliko sa čistačem sve bude u redu, biće mesta i za ostale ribe.
For the past few days I slowly purchased the rest of the equipment and decorations for my first setting. After driftwood, I've got few rocks and I took additional 7 kg of quartz pebbles that will replace the previously removed soil and sand.
I also took heater JBL ProTemp S150 (150W), another fluo lamp Sylvania AquaStar (10000 K), 10m PVC hose and Atman AT-303 submersible pump that will help me to more easily facilitate exchange of water. Sylvania AquaStar really shines bright and white-coloured light in contrast to Gro-Lux version which is slightly dimmer and red in colour. I plan to add another 18W AquaStar or Gro-Lux lamp to get to around 0.5W/liter ratio.
Also arrived a few new plants whose names, unfortunately, I did not remembered, but I will try to identify them in upcomming days. Since I obtained the chemical preparation EasyLife NITRO (I also plan to get EasyLife POSPHO and EasyLife ProFito). Although manufacturer SeaChem is far better in my opinion, this products are simply unavailable on my market, and even in West Europe they are difficult to obtain.
For start, I took JBL Novo GranoMix food for fish, and DajanaPET BioFilter tablets for initial start-up cycling in the tank, which are placed directly into the Atman FL-102 filter.
Of course, this is not the look of the final setup, plants are still adapting to a new environment (therefore they should not be immediately nourished with micro and macro elements). Driftwood is now being soaking with water (for this reason a decorative stone is temporarily placed above). Depending on how plants thrive, I'll determine the day when to add first fish resident (the popular "cleaner" pleco presumably). This gradual sequence is extremely important, because it is not desirable to burden the system with large number of fish at the start. Beginners very often make mistakes because of their impatience or ignorance. If the cleaner is fine, soon there will be some room for others.
Prethodnih nekoliko dana postepeno sam nabavljao i ostatak opreme i dekoracije za prvu postavku. Nakon panja, na red je došlo i kamenje, a uzeo sam još i dodatnih 7 kg kvarcnog šljunka koji će nadomestiti prethodno izvađenu zemlju i pesak.
Uzeo sam JBL ProTemp s150 (150W) grejač, još jednu neonku Sylvania AquaStar (10000 Kelvina) sa novim postoljem, zatim 10m PVC creva i Atman AT-303 potapajuću pumpu koja će mi olakšati zamenu vode. Sylvania AquaStar zaista sija prodornim belim svetlom za razliku od Gro-Lux neonke koja sija crvenkasto i nešto prigušenije. Kasnije planiram da dodam još jednu neonku od 18W i doteram osvetljenje na oko 0.5 W/litri.
Stiglo je i par novih biljaka čije nazive, na žalost, nisam upamtio, ali ću pokušati da ih identifikujem narednih dana.
Od hemijskih preparata nabavio sam EasyLife NITRO (a planiram da uzmem i EasyLife POSPHO, kao i EasyLife ProFito). Iako su preparati proizvođača SeaChem znatno bolji, njih jednostavno nema na našem tržištu, a i u zapadnoj evropi se teže nabavljaju. Za početak, uzeo sam JBL Novo GranoMix hranu za ribe, a za početno startovanje ciklusa u akvarijumu DajanaPET BioFilter tablete koje se postavljaju u sam filter.
Naravno, ovo nije izgled finalnog setup-a, biljke se još uvek prilagođavaju (stoga ih ne treba odmah zatrpavati mikro i makro elemntima). Panj se za sada natapa vodom (iz tog razloga je jedan dekorativni kamen privremeno postavljen na isti). U zavisnosti od toga kako biljke napreduju, odrediću i dan kada ću u akvarijum uneti prvu ribicu (popularnog "čistača" po svoj prilici). Ovaj postepeni redosled je izuzetno bitan, jer nije poželjno opteretiti sistem velikom količinom riba u samom startu. Početnici upravo u ovome često greše zbog nestrpljenja ili neznanja. Ukoliko sa čistačem sve bude u redu, biće mesta i za ostale ribe.
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