In my previous blog entry I mentioned how I was trying to solve the problem with "organic" bloom and how I applied a new type of filter media (a combination of zeolite and activated charcoal, perlon and ceramic rings). In this short edition with a few pictures I want to show how such modification looks.
Atman AT-F102 is an internal submersible filter which consists of an electromagnetic pump (completely casted in plastic), and 2 separated filter sections with two quite coarse sponges. In other words, the filter is not the last word of modern technology, but in normal conditions for small and medium-sized aquariums with proper biological activity it can serve well its purpose.
The lower (input) chamber is vertically splited and in first (frontal) half is filled with perlon behind which are ceramic rings. The upper chamber was first filled with a small amount of perlon (to prevent the passage of coal and zeolite to the output section), then active zeo-carbon, again perlon and factory supplied sponge piece. Note that zeolite is not recommended in freshly setup (cycling) aquariums, since it removes ammonia (NH3) that feeds usefull bacteria thus prolonging the cycling period. Otherwise, it can be a fish saviour if something goes wrong.
U prethodnom postu naveo sam da sam u pokušaju rešavanja problema sa "organskim" bumom primenio nove vrste filter medija (kombinaciju zeolita i aktivnog uglja, perlon vate i keramičkih prstenova). U ovom kratkom izdanju kroz nekoliko slika želim da pokažem kako izgleda dotična modifikacija.
Atman AT-F102 je unutrašnji potapajući filter koji se sastoji iz klasične elektromagnetne pumpe (potpuno zalivena u plastiku, iz koje izlazi samo napojni mrežni kabl), kao i iz 2 sekcije sa dva poprilično šupljikava sunđera. Drugim rečima, filter nije poslednja reč tehnike u domenu filtracije, ali u normalnim uslovima za manje i srednje akvarijume završava posao.
Donja (ulazna) komora je ispunjena perlon vatom duž ulaznih vertikalnih otvora iza kojih susmešteni keramički prstenovi. Gornja komora je prvo ispunjena malom količinom perlon vate (kako bi se sprečio prolazak uglja i zeolita do izlaznog dela), potom aktivnim zeo-ugljem, perlon vatom i ostatkom fabričkog sunđera koji se isporučuje uz filter. Napomenuću da Zeolit nije poželjno koristiti u tek postavljenim akvarijumima jer usporava razvoj korisnih bakterija uklanjanjem amonijaka (NH3) koje ove koriste kao hranu. U drugim situacijama može biti spas po ribe u slučaju nepredviđenih nepogoda.
pozdrav darko
ReplyDeleteInteresuje me koja velicina akvarijuma
je optimalna za ovaj filter.
Navodno, oko 100 litara, mada mislim da je ovaj filter ipak preslab za ovu velicinu akvarijuma. Razmisljam da ga zamenim u dogledno vreme za neki bolji (veci).
ReplyDeleteja ga koristim za aq od 50l
ReplyDeleteHi! I have exactly this filter in my aquarium. It's the only one available in my city. Just like numerous other people on the web I can't figure out how to assemble it properly. There is an instruction video on Youtube but it only shows the part nobody wonders about. I have two little black plastic cylinders that don't seem to belong anywhere. One cylinder is wider than the other and the other is narrow at one end and wider at the other. (The people at the shop that sold it to me also don't know). Do you maybe somewhere in the blog have a picture of your AT F-102 the way you have put it together?
ReplyDeleteHi Marie, Atman F102 can be used as a combined filter + air pump, or just as a filter without aeration function (it is a bit noisy in aeration mode).
ReplyDeleteThe unit is composed from 3 sections: main unit = motor/pump (upper heavy part), middle section (the hollow plastic part) and the last filtering section (rounded with hollow ribs) and opened only on one side (side that goes into narrover side of the middle section).
Motor/pump must be on top (you position filter vertically in your aquarium), hollow part in the middle, and part with small openings ("ribs") on the bottom. It is easy to assemble them, because they are trapezoid-shaped, so only one position is correct! Don't forget to put a piece of sponge you've got in each section, or foam or whatever filtering media you wish.
I beleive 'the parts nobody wonders about' are small plastic add-ons for aeration and stream directioning of filtered water, also may come handy for other DIY project.
Drawing of Atman AT-F102 assembly
Marie wrote: "One cylinder is wider than the other and the other is narrow at one end and wider at the other."
ReplyDeleteHere is your answer. The wider part of a cylinder goes into wider part of other section. The narrover part of a cylinder goes into narrower part of other section. They are trapezoid-shaped, so turn them 180 degrees if they don't initially fit! Hope you'll got it.