I do not know how I came to this idea, especially after the experience with the soil as a base substrate, but it tickled my conscience because of the lack of nutritious substrate for plants. Looking at photos I've made with my mobile phone during the last visit to the local aqua shop, I spotted a product that did not belong to liquid and solid fertilizer group I was focused then: JBL Florapol.

Price for this substrate was extremely low, which was just an additional plus. I researched the internet about some of the experiences (the Aquatic Plant Central and Aquatic Quotient, and on some local forums) and realized that this product is probably good. Of course, there are pro aquarists who are not so impresed with it (for e.g. SeaChem Fluorite is more advanced substrate), but to cut a long story short, I decided to try it.

AquaBasis vs Florapol
According to the official statement of the manufacturer I got from an email communication with JBL representative, AquaBasis Plus is used in the new tank if we didn't plan any other substrate at the bottom (eg, gravel with fine granulation or similar), while Florapol is used when we wish to mix it with a base substrate of our choice. Florapol is a sort of clay rich in minerals and other nutrients necessary for plant growth, and has the ability of re-absorbing and releasing nutrients as needed. AquaBasis Plus is nothing but Florapol mixed with another substrate. However, in both cases we should put thicker 4-6 cm layer of gravel with larger granulation (2-3 mm) to prevent water clouding. Both substrates are rich in chelated Iron (Fe), which means that it is in a chemically bonded form not available to algae, but readily availabale to plant roots via enzyme reactions.
Since I already have completed aquarium setup that was cycling for some time, I naturally did not have intention to go from the start again. I simply took out this procedure to remove water, reallocate gravel at the buttom and put Florapol as a base substrate:
1) I took a package of Florapol (700 grams) which is sufficient for aquariums of 100-200 liters in volume
2) I pumped out old water from the aquarium, took out all the plants and ornaments (driftwood and rocks)
3) Then I shifted all the gravel to the left pile and poured half the content of Florapol bag down to the bottom (electrical pump with hose of course failed to remove a small amount of water) which immediatelly created big milky/brownish cloudiness similar to one I saw with the soil, but much finer at touch. I've become slightly desperate, because I thought that this muddy water would not settle down for the next few weeks. As it turned out, my concern was not in order.
4) After finishing the left side of the aquarium base, I repeated the whole procedure for the right half
5) While ornaments (driftwood, rocks) and plants were still outside, I ran a couple of water changes filling the aquarium up to 1/3 volume, wiggle the upper layers of gravel to "rinse" it and create as more cloudiness as I could so I could pump the dirt at upper gravel layer out. After the third time of water change I planted herbs and returned dritwood, rocks, filter and heater and again filled whole aquarium with fresh water. I added SERA AquaTan conditioner, 10 ml Tetra PlantaMin liquid fertilizer, inserted 7 JBL clay fertilizer balls (as a boost to Florapol) and plugged entire system with maximum aeration. The water was crystal clear like just few hours earlier before I started the whole procedure. By the way, I also planted several new stalks of Cabomba Caroliniana.
Behold, the procedure is completed in 3 hours. I did not mixed Florapol with part of the top gravel as recommended in the manual, instead I've spread it directly on the bottom. Plants will have to find the way. They always do.
Of course, Florapol alone is not enough, especially for plants that feed themselfs via water colum (e.g. absorbing nutrients directly through their tiny leaves), so liquid fertilazires are still required to maintain healthy growth.
Ni sam ne znam kako sam došao na ovu ideju, posebno nakon iskustva sa zemljom kao podlogom, ali uhvatila me je griža savesti zbog odsustva hranljive podloge za bilje. Listajući fotke koje sam načinio mobilnim telefonom prilikom poslednje posete lokalnoj prodavnici primetio sam jedan proizvod koji nije pripadao klasičnim tečnim i čvrstim fertilizerima: JBL Florapol.
Cena za ovu podlogu je bila izuzetno niska, što je bio samo dodatni plus. Istražio sam internet o nekim iskustvima (na Aquatic Plant Central i Aquatic Quotient, kao i na nekim domaćim forumima) i shvatio da proizvod nije loš. Naravno, ima i profesionalnih akvarista koji nisu preterano oduševljeni ovom podlogom u odnosu na neke konkurente (npr. SeaChem Fluorite), ali da skratim priču, odlučio sam da ga probam.
AquaBasis vs Florapol
Prema zvaničnom stavu proizvođača, AquaBasis Plus se koristi kada u akvarijumu nemamo ili ne planiramo nikakvu drugu podlogu na dnu (npr. šljunak fine granulacije ili nešto drugo), dok se Florapol koristi kada u akvarijumu koristimo podlogu prema sopstvenom izboru (laterit, fruge komercijalne podloge i slično). Florapol je praktično vrsta gline (clay) bogata mineralima i drugim hranljivim materijama neophodnim za rast bilja, a ima i sposobnost njihove re-absorpcije i otpuštanja prema potrebi. AquaBasis Plus nije ništa drugo nego Florapol izmešan sa drugim substratom. Bez obzira na izbor, u oba slučaja treba staviti i deblji sloj šljunka krupnije granulacije (2-3 mm) kako bi se sprečilo zamućivanje vode usled aktivnosti na površini. Obe podloge su veoma bogate hemijski vezanim gvožđem (Fe), što u prevodu znači da nije dostupno algama, ali je spremno za absorpciju bilja putem enzimskih reakcija u predelu korena.
1) Uzeo sam pakovanje Florapola od 700 grama što je dovoljno za akvarijume od 100 do 200 litara.
2) U rekordnom roku sam ispumpao vodu iz akvarijuma, izvadio bilje i ornamente (panj i kamenje)
3) Prebacio sam sav šljunak na levu polovinu akvarijuma na gomilu, postavio 1/2 sadržaja vrećice koji je formirao mulj (pumpa naravno nije uspela da izbaci manju zaostalu količinu vode) sličan onom koji je načinila zemlja, ali dosta finiji na dodir. Već sam postao blago očajan, jer sam mislio da će se voda mutiti narednih nekoliko nedelja zbog toga, ali kako se kasnije ispostavilo, brigi nije bilo mesta.
4) Potom sam zatrpao levu polovinu šljunkom, ponovio postupak za desnu polovinu akvarijuma
5) Dok su ornamenti (panj i kamenje) i bilje još uvek stajali napolju, izmenio sam nekoliko voda punjenjem akvarijuma do 1/3 zapremine, mrdanjem gornjih slojeva šljunka dlanom kako bih ga isprao i stvorio što veći mulj koji bi potom ispumpao. Nakon trećeg puta zasadio sam bilje, vratio panj, filter i grejač i dopunio akvarijum svežom vodom. Dodao sam SERA AquaTan, 10 ml Tetra tečnog fertilizera i uključio čitav sistem uz maksimalnu aeraciju. Voda je bila kristalno čista kao i pre svega 3 sata pre nego što sam dodao glinu. Usput, zasadio sam i nekoliko novih stabljika Cabomba Caroliniana-e.
Eto, procedura je obavljena. Nisam mešao Florapol sa delom šljunka, kao što se savetuje u uputstvu, već sam ga direktno postavio na samo dno. Bilje će već pronaći put. Uvek ga pronađe.
Naravno, Florapol nije dovoljan za biljke koje se prevashodno hrane putem vodene kolone (tj. bilje koje upija hranljive materije prvenstveno preko svojih tankih listova), tako da se tečna đubriva i dalje moraju povremeno dodavati za uspešan rast.

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