After 30 days of cycling I've got my first aquarium inhabitants - brown algae. This was clearly the sign of insufficient lighting in my tank, so I decided to upgrade it as a next step. Since water parameters were in normal range for some time, I also decided it was time to introduce first living organisms.
I got one Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps (Leopard Pleco, Sailfin Pleco) and 3 shrimps. Well... I really was excited about my little "Gibby" and while I was at the store I didn't ask about it's potential size. I simply assumed according to the name that was not "pleco" type of the fish, which I want to omit at any cost since my aquarium is too small (130 Liters / 34 gals). And what a surprise, it seems that this "little" guy can get up to 20 cm (8 inches) in just one year, and if I get lucky (or should I say "lucky") it can grow up to 50 cm! Now I am seriously considering the option to return it and get one of the Ancistrus variety instead as I planned from the start.
By the way, I've also planted few new plants: Eusteralis stellata (Pogostemon stellatus) and Water Wisteria (Hygrophila difformis) with couple of brown snails (Bladder, Physidae sp.) that arrived with those. I did not removed them for now, but I'll watch them closely since they can become a problem if they multiply excessively. Also, I got some Vallisneria Nana.
For upgraded light added another Sylvania Gro-Lux 18W tube and next week plan to add another AquaStar 18 W tube (totaling 72 W).
Here are some fotos...
Nakon 30 dana cikliranja pristigli su i prvi stanovnici mog akvarijuma: braon alge. Kako je ovo obično znak nedovoljnog osvetljenja, nabavka dodatnih lampi je sledeći logičan korak. Parametri vode su stabilni već neko vreme, odlučio sam da ubacim i prve žive organizme.
Nabavio sam jedan primerak Pterygoplichthys Gibbiceps (Gibicebs) i 3 rakčića "kozice". Dok sam razgledao ribice u radnji, nisam pitao o potencijalnoj veličini "malenog Gibija", već sam pretpostavio da nije reč o još jednoj vrsti plekostomusa, koje po svaku cenu želim da izbegnem zbog veličine akvarijuma (130 L). Nakon pretrage na internetu po dolasku kući čekalo me je iznenađenje... ovaj mališa može narasti čitavih 20 cm za prvih godinu dana, a u toku svog životnog veka i do čitavih 50 cm! Sada ipak razmišljam da ga vratim i nabavim par Ancistrusa koji su znatno primereniji raspoloživom prostoru.
Takođe, posadio sam nekoliko novih biljaka: Eusteralis stellata, Hygrophila difformis (Hrast) i Vallisneria Nana, a s kojima je stigao i par braon puževa (Bladder, Physidae sp.) koje nisam uklonio (za sada), mada ću ih pažljivo pratiti jer mogu biti problematični za biljke kada se namnože.
Nadogradio sam osvetljenje sa još jednom Sylvania Gro-Lux 18 W neonkom, a sledeće nedelje stiže još jedna AquaStar 18 W (ukupno 72 W).
Slede fotke...

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