Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year! / Srećna Nova Godina!

I wish you all a Marry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year 2010. and a good health to your fish, plants and whole aquarium! :)

At the moment, my aquarium is still fighting a battle with green algae invasion, but situation is improving steadily. In few days/weeks I'll probably solve that problem. A bit of too much plant fertilizers and my wish to grow plants faster probably caused this situation, but it's geting under control...

Želim svim posetiocima mog bloga Srećan Božić i Srećnu Novu 2010. godinu, ali i puno zdravlja za vaše vodene stanovnike, ribice, biljke i čitav akvarijum! :)

U ovom trenutku još uvek bijem bitku sa zelenim algama, ali situacija se polako popravlja. Malo sam preterao sa dodavanjem đubriva i to je najverovatnije rezultat invazije algi, ali situacija će se dovesti u red...